Biomechanics of Bodies
BoB (Biomechanics of Bodies) is a family of biomechanical modelling software packages combining a human musculoskeletal model with an easy to use, intuitive interface and powerful analysis functionality resulting in quantitative, objective information.
The BoB family contains 4 variants:
BoB/Research for biomechanical analysis
BoB/Teaching for teaching biomechanics
BoB/Ergo for ergonomic analysis
BoB/EMG for incorporating EMG analysis
BoB calculates:
Point position/vel/acc
Segmental orientation
Anatomical trajectories
Centre of mass position
Body energy/power
Velocity vectors
Joint angles
Joint ranges of motion
Joint torques
Ground reaction forces
Joint contact forces
Muscle forces
Muscle lengths
Muscle contraction rates
Muscle energy/power
BoB combines a short learning curve with sophisticated analysis and multifunctional graphics.
BoB is widely used in academia and industry with applications including product design, sporting performance, equipment design, man/machine interactions, vehicle design, gerontology, manual handling, ergonomics and many more.
BoB has interfaces to the following formats:
C3D for motion, forceplates and EMG
CSV and Calc from Perception Neuron
HPF from Delsys for EMG signals
MVNX from Xsens
BVH in Biovision, Motion Builder and Rokoko variants
CSV of Euler joint angles
STL files for importing graphics objects
BoB is developed in MATLAB and inherits many of MATLAB’s features including efficient solution algorithms, manipulation of plots and large data handling. However BoB users do not require a MATLAB licence. All of BoB’s stored data files can be directly accessed by MATLAB. BoB provides access to MATLAB Graphics and the ability to integrate user bespoke M-code into BoB. BoB is accredited by the MathWorks Connections Program.
BoB is easy to learn with a short learning curve. There are also a large library of on-line videos so the analyst can learn to use BoB are your own pace.
Prima Motion is official distributor of the BoB